
Zhejiang Mount Primis ltd.

Since 2005, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) transformed BS 7799 into ISO 27001: Since its release in 2005, this standard has gained unprecedented recognition in the world, and a considerable number of organizations have adopted and certified the information security management system. By the end of 2011, the total number of ISO 27001 certificates issued internationally is about 15625 (among which, BSI's market share is about 45.65%). In China, since 2008 will BE ISO 27001:2005 into the national standard GB/T 22080:2008, information security management system certification in China to further obtain a comprehensive promotion, to the end of 2011, the number of domestic certification certificate is 1107. More and more industries and organizations realize the importance of information security and take it as one of the basic management work.

However, in the past few years, the IT and communications industry has undergone a tremendous transformation, with a comprehensive convergence of business and technology. The rise of mobile Internet, the widespread adoption of smart phones and the upsurge of cloud computing technologies have brought new risks of network threats, data leakage and fraud. In the face of such changes and trends, the update of information security management system standards has become increasingly important.

ISO standards are generally updated every three years, but due to the great success of ISO 27001: :2005 and the rapid development of the ICT industry, the update of this standard has become very cautious, and it has been seven years. From the latest information released by THE ISO organization, it can be seen that preparations for the ISO 27001 standard update actually began in 2008, with the appointment of a working group (JTC 1/SC 27 WG 1); The update was officially launched in 2009. At present, the Draft of the standard is being prepared at the discussion level of the Committee (30.20:2012-06-20), and the new version is expected to be released on 2013-10-19, when we can have a look at its new look.

Data source text (baike.baidu.com/item/ISO27001/2326653?fr=aladdin)

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